So keep in mind: you do have to practice new vocabulary regularly! ▲ Our memory works well even when we are asleep. If you want to remember something, go to bed immediately after learning it. Use your brain properly and let yourself be surprised by your memory!(1) ___(2) ___(3)...
The left and right brain functions are responsible for differences in people and how they process information. Whether you use your left brain and right brain together or have a dominant half explains a great deal about how you learn and express yourself. While many people think artists are rig...
Do you have a living room and you move around from couch to chair? Or are you like me and you have one chair (ok, I now have three chairs, but one is broken down, the other is the housemate's chair, and the third is my new chair) and you pretty much stay in that chair all...
The ‘to read’ bookshelf is just above the shelf with all the caps. It remains full, because I keep buying books. There are several tomes I am avoiding starting. They seem to stare down at me as if to say ‘I’ve been sitting here for years when are you going to read me?” I...
intrinsic iPad alarm for fear it will go off through the speaker and not my headphones. I never have to worry about that with BrainWave - not to mention the fact that I can fall asleep in whatever relaxing environment I want, like the beach or a forest. THANK YOU, CREATORS OF THIS ...
always have. You guys are so strange to a lot of us chronic epileptics, you have all those emotions and sensations and feelings that seizures burn out in us, as if you all live in a infrared world and we’re living in black and white. I have no idea how you all mange to get so...
“Real Killer” is a descendant of Beck circa Odelay, a ’90s-cool folk-hop groove interspersed with Brady’s desperado lyrics: “Better watch out ’cause I’m a real killer/Never fall asleep without my finger on the trigger.”“Doritos and Fritos” features a chanting chorus of “...