In modern brain–computer interface (BCI) design, the BCI is a direct link between the brain of a person and a computer [1]. More precisely, BCI is a system that measures and processes the nervous system activity used by a computer to restore and/or replace the natural output of the br...
personalized brain–computer interface (pBCI); specific BCI user; customized brain–computer interface (cBCI); general brain–computer interface (gBCI); brain–computer interface (BCI) 1. Introduction Brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) are designed to bypass users’ nerves and muscles to realize ...
Objective: We designed and validated a wireless, low-cost, easy-to-use, mobile, dry-electrode headset for scalp electroencephalography (EEG) recordings for closed-loop brain–computer (BCI) interface and internet-of-things (IoT) applications. Approach: The EEG-based BCI headset was designed from...
brain–computer interface (BCI); ethics; media; public discourse 1. Introduction The advent of medicine and medical technology has had an immeasurable impact on human history [1]. Medical technology has the potential to cure diseases that may have once been a death sentence, take away ...
The searching string utilized in Scopus consisted of the following format: TITLE-ABS-KEY (“brain computer interface” AND “motor imagery” AND stroke AND classification). The initial searching procedure yielded 138 results; however, we applied a set of inclusion criteria to further narrow our sea...