[5]刘娟.三种压疮危险评估量表对急诊病人压疮预测能力的比较研究.沈阳:中国医科大学, 2009. [6] He W, Liu P, Chen HL. The Braden scale cannot be used alone for assessing pressure ulcer risk in surgical patients: meta-analysis. Ostomy Wound Manage,2012,58(2):34...
Relationship between Braden scale score and pressure ulcer development in patients admitted in trauma intensive care unit. Int Wound J. 2012 Jun;9(3):248-52.Iranmanesh S, Rafiei H, Sabzevari S. Relationship between Bra- den scale score and pressure ulcer development in patients admitted in ...
and routine PI preventive measures,and the observation group was given graded management based on Braden score on the basis of the control group.The skin discomfort,the occurrence of PI,the short-form health survey (SF-36)score and the stroke-specific quality of life scale (SS-QOL)score ...
[Key words] Braden scale table; Graded preventive nursing; Incidence of pressure sores; Combined nursing 压疮是由于各种严重的病症如脑卒中、股 骨头坏死、截瘫、长期卧床,护理不专业、不及时 翻身按摩,不能自理,丧失自主翻身的能力[1-2]。潮 湿、长时间压迫一处皮肤,导致受压皮肤缺血 坏死、脱落,严重时...
It is observed that gender, age, and BMI variables have a statistically significant effect on the total score of the Munro Scale (p < 0.05). It is seemed that age, smoking status, presence of incontinence, mobilization, Author contribution Literature review: AAB, MYV/Data collection: TÖ,...
Braden Scale and the influence of other risk factors : a multi2centre prospective study. Int J Nurs Stud , 2000 ,37(4) :3132319. 13 Bergquist S. Subscales , subscores , or summative score : evaluating the contribution of Braden Scale items for predicting pressure ulcer risk in ...
The predictive validity test reported that the modified Braden scale demonstrated a better balance of sensitivity (89%) and specificity (75%) at a cutoff score of 16, with a higher positive predictive value (7%), than the Braden and Norton scales. This finding revealed that for this sample,...
Relationship between Braden scale score and pressure ulcer development in patients admitted in trauma intensive care unit. Int Wound J. 2012 Jun;9(3):248-52.Iranmanesh S, Rafiei H, Sabzevari S. Relationship between Bra- den scale score and pressure ulcer development in patients admitted in ...
Conclusion: Neuro-nurses are competent on assessing "risk" of pressure ulcers for nuero patients using the Braden Scale. However, there is variation on how to manage risk based on the Braden score assessed. Further research is needed to bridge the gap between risk assessment and nursing ...
Use of Braden Scale: determining threshold scoreKwang, Y K