As for the Bachman book, the relentlessness of the tale culminated in a fiery climax that while spectacular – and inevitable – left a sour taste in my mouth. In it I can easily see why Bachman never really took flight. What “Bachman” never learned, having died of “cancer of the ps...
(16)TASTE TEST.Joe Sherry continues his series atNerds of a Feather,“Reading the Hugos: Novella”. Today we continue with our Hugo Award coverage with a look at the Novella category. There are not many categories on this year’s ballot which lines up so well with my nomination ballot, ...
It was spring 1987. I had been first bitten by the Stephen King bug the previous August when I sawStand By Me, based on his novellaThe Body(already detailed in Celluloid Heroes Part III). I purchased this particular paperback at Leeds County Books, then one of only two bookstores in Bro...