Bracknell Forest (redirected fromBracknell Forest Borough Councill) Encyclopedia n (Placename) a unitary authority in SE England, in E Berkshire. Pop: 110 100 (2003 est). Area: 109 sq km (42 sq miles) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins...
Bracknell Forest is a relatively affluent Borough with a dynamic economy which has survived the first phase of the recession;however amidst this affluence we recognise that there are pockets ofdeprivation and need in the Borough.Bracknell Forest Council...
Strategy used in maintaining a low level of sickness absence by Blacknell Forest Borough Council; Workforce employed affecting the sickness absence level; Occupation health services of the Council. INSETS: Bracknell Forest Borough Council.;Request forms for OH information completed by line managers......