Diet – What Did Brachiosaurus Eat? Brachiosaurus lived solely on plants. These herbivores consumed leaves and other vegetation from up in the trees. © Despite their giant size, Brachiosaurus subsisted entirely on plants. These herbivores ate leaves and other vegetation, ofte...
Diet and Feeding Habits Brachiosaurus altithoraxwas a high-browsing herbivore, feeding primarily on the leaves of tall trees, such as conifers, cycads, and ginkgoes. Its long neck allowed it to reach vegetation that was inaccessible to other herbivorous dinosaurs, giving it a significant feeding ...
Habitat Brachiosaurus was a terrestrial animal. It was assumed for many years that giant sauropods spent most of their time in water, letting the water support their weighty bodies while breathing through their lofty nostrils. Now it is believed that they were fully terrestrial, just as Elmer S...