MRI of the Brachial Plexus and its Region: Anatomy and Patho- 8. De Verdier HJ, Colletti PM, Terk MR. MRI of the Bra- chial Plexus: a Review of 51 Cases. Comput Med Imag Graph 1993; 17: 45-50.Es HW, Witkamp TD, Feldberg MAM. MRI of the brachial plexus and its region: anatomy...
Brachial plexus: normal anatomy with MRI imaging; 薄层连续MRI扫描描记臂丛神经 更多例句>> 6) lumbar plexus (spinal nerve) 腰神经丛(脊神经)补充资料:脊神经 脊神经 spinal nerves 发自脊髓经椎间孔外出的31对神经。其中颈神经8对,胸神经12对,腰神经5对,骶神经5对,尾神经1对。出椎间孔后分为前、后...
10B). The clavicle obliquely crosses the path of the plexus, which accords division of the brachial plexus into the “supraclavicular” (roots and trunks), “retroclavicular” (divisions), and “infraclavicular” (cords and branches) portions. This simplified approach to brachial plexus anatomy is...
Anatomy(C8, T1)Joins with the lateral root to form themedian nerveMedian NerveA major nerve of the upper extremity. In humans, the fibers of the median nerve originate in the lower cervical and upper thoracic spinal cord (usually C6 to T1), travel via the brachial plexus, and supply senso...
Leinberry CF, Wehbé MA (2004) Brachial plexus anatomy. Hand Clin 20(1):1–5Leinberry CF, Wehbe MA. Brachial plexus anatomy. Hand Clin 2004; 20(1):1-5.Leinberry, C.F.; Wehbe, M.A. Brachial plexus anatomy. Hand Clin. 2004, 20, 1-5. [CrossRef]...
Anatomy Thebrachial plexusBrachial PlexusThe large network of nerve fibers which distributes the innervation of the upper extremity. The brachial plexus extends from the neck into the axilla. In humans, the nerves of the plexus usually originate from the lower cervical and the first thoracic spinal...
1.Sectional anatomic observation and visualization of normal brachial plexus;臂丛神经的断层解剖观察与可视化研究 2.Experiment study on root avulsion model of brachial plexus;臂丛神经根性撕脱伤动物模型的研究 3.Brachial plexus: normal anatomy with MRI imaging;薄层连续MRI扫描描记臂丛神经 6)roots of brachial...
MR Imaging of the Brachial Plexus. By h w van es. (Pp 131.) Published by Febodruk B V, Utrecht, The Netherlands. ISBN 90-393-1429-2. This book is a good description of the normal anatomy and imaging findings of some of the most common clinical conditions affecting the brachial plexus...
1.Sectional anatomic observation and visualization of normal brachial plexus;臂丛神经的断层解剖观察与可视化研究 2.Experiment study on root avulsion model of brachial plexus;臂丛神经根性撕脱伤动物模型的研究 3.Brachial plexus: normal anatomy with MRI imaging;薄层连续MRI扫描描记臂丛神经 4)nerval root of ...
Practical Management of Pediatric and Adult Brachial Plexus PalsiesKawai H. Anatomy of the brachial plexus. In: Kawai HK, ed., Brachial Plexus Palsy Singapore World Scientific. Singapore; World Scientific:2000:1-24.Kawai H (2000) Anatomy of the brachial plexus. In: Kawai H, Kawabata H (Eds...