Muscle and tendon transfers: A muscle or tendon is moved from another part of the body to help a child regain arm function. Neurolysis: Scar tissue is removed from a nerve to help it work the way it should. Nerve grafts: A surgeon takes nerve fibers from another area of the body to h...
Case Report: A 49-year-old woman donated whole blood without incident in November 1992, but reported ecchymosis and tenderness in the antecubital area of the right arm immediately following the procedure (her medical history was unremarkable). Over the next several days, the ecchymosis extended ...
The brachial plexus is a cluster of nerves running from the spine down the arm and hand. These nerves control the motion and feeling in your arms, wrists and hands. These nerves are important in everyday tasks in life. Injuries to the brachial plexus c
aEye-balling the upper and lower likely quartiles from either arm indicates a separation of about 15mmHg between groups for the difference between brachial and central pressure. 打量上部和更低的可能的方照从任一条胳膊大约表明15mmHg的分离在小组之间为上臀和中心气压之间的区别。[translate]...
These parameters as well as subluxation of the humeral head (average 14%) and downward rotation in the scapular plane were found to correlate with the area of scapula visible over the clavicle. This Wnding provides a classiWcation tool for diagnosis and objective evaluation of the bony ...
In the AV group, the adjacent basilic vein was used in 9 cases, the adjacent cephalic vein in 3, and the distal (or wrist area) cephalic vein in 3. The limb salvage rates in the AV versus NAV groups were 100% and 94%, respectively (Fisher's exactttest,P= 1.00), with no major ...
AUC* area under the curve. Full size image Discussion FMD is regarded as a reliable ultrasound parameter, which relevantly reflects coronary endothelial function5,10. Endothelial dysfunction occurs when FMD is less than 5% as a result of complicated interactions of multitudinous cytokines, molecules,...
In subject area: Medicine and Dentistry Neonatal brachial plexus palsy (NBPP) can be defined as a flaccid paresis of an upper extremity due to traumatic stretching of the brachial plexus, with the passive range of motion greater than the active. ...
(in-ter-kos'tō-brā'kē-al), Relating to an intercostal space and the arm. See:intercostobrachial nerves. Synonym(s):intercostohumeral Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe we...
Nerve grafting mainly in the upper part of the plexus was performed in six patients of whom five recovered a useful motor function in at least one important area. Twelve patients underwent neurolysis; useful motor function in at least one important area was achieved in eight. We conclude that ...