- BR24 Radio: Aktuelle Nachrichten zum Anhören - Regional, bayernweit, weltweit MELDUNGEN: Hier lesen Sie die neusten Kurz-Nachrichten – kompakt und übersichtlich zusammengefasst. RUBRIKEN: Tauchen Sie tiefer in Themen aus Wirtschaft, Wissen, Kultur, Netzwelt, und Weltgeschehen ein, immer sa...
Ifthisequipmentdoescauseharmfulinterferencetoradioortelevisionreception,whichcanbe determinedbyturningtheequipmentoffandon,theuserisencouragedtotrytocorrectthe interferencebyoneormoreofthefollowingmeasures: •Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna. •Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver. ...
贝壳电台BakerRadio 237.43万8873免费订阅 Screenbaker : 王牌特工2 黄金圈 - BR vol.25 733754:24 Screenbaker: 天才枪手 - BR vol.24 728803:43 Screenbaker: 英伦对决 - BR vol.23 728006:21 BakerTalk: 那些小时候看过的奇(变)怪(态)电影 - BR vol.22 929130:07 Screenbaker: 看不见的客人 - BR...
This product is not designed for protection against radioactive rays. 2/25 BR24L32-W / BR24L32F-W / BR24L32FJ-W / BR24L32FV-W Memory ICs zDimension 9.3±0.3 8 5 4 7.62 1 0° ~ 15° 2.54 0.5±0.1 Fig.1(a) PHYSICAL DIMENSION (Units : mm) DIP8 (BR24L32-W...
uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. This device must accept any interference...
This product is not designed for protection against radioactive rays. 2/25 BR24L02-W / BR24L02F-W / BR24L02FJ-W / BR24L02FV-W / BR24L02FVM-W Memory ICs zDimension 9.3±0.3 8 5 4 5.0±0.2 8 5 1 7.62 1 4 0.15±0.1 0.1 1.27 0.4±0.1 2.54 0.5±0.1 0...
(SDA) VIN=0V to VCC VOUT=0V to VCC VCC=5.5V, fSCL=400kHz, tWR=5ms, Byte Write, Page Write VCC=5.5V, fSCL=400kHz Random Read, Current Read, Sequential Read VCC=5.5V, SDA·SCL=VCC, A0, A1, A2=GND, WP=GND This product is not designed for protection against radioactive rays. ...
封装: TSSOP-8 描述: IC EEPROM 128KBIT I2C 8TSSOP 数据手册: 下载BR24T128FVJ-WE2.pdf 立即购买 数据手册 价格&库存 BR24T128FVJ-WE2 数据手册 / 37 当前在看 ○ Product structure : Silicon monolithic integrated circuit ○ This product has no designed protection against radioactive rays ...
Fixed-mount DSC VHF Radio with integrated AIS receiver, GPS, and wireless handset support. $1,009 View Product Precision-9 Compass Solid-state compass with heading, rate of turn, pitch and roll output over NMEA 2000®. $1,009 View Product IS...
Scroll/Zoom 100% 制造商ROHM [Rohm] 网页http://www.rohm.com 标志 类似零件编号 - BR24L01AFVM-W 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 RohmBR24L01AFVM-W 315Kb/6PI2C BUS 1Kbit (128 x 8bit) EEPROM BR24L01AFVM-WTR 747Kb/41PHigh Reliability Series EEPROMs I2C BUS ...