Sorry, "Shimano Tiagra / Sora Caliper Brake Shoes for BR-2400 - R50T4" is unfortunately not available anymore Suggestions Use the navigation to find the product or product group you are looking for Use the search bar to browse the entire product range...
Shimano禧玛诺BR-2400 用户指南.pdf,Shimano禧玛诺BR-2400用户指南用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册CLARIS Caliper Brake BR-2400 8 3 12 10 4 R50T2/R50T4 Brake Shoes Front Brake 5 2 6 7 11 9 1 Rear Brake 9 0 0 0 0 6 5 4 3 - - R R B B ITEM INTERCHANGE-