BQP-Complete ProblemsThe concept of completeness is one of the most important notions in theoretical computer science. PromiseBQP-complete problems are those in PromiseBQP to which all other PromiseBQP problems can be reddoi:10.1007/978-3-540-92910-9_46Shengyu Zhang...
46 - BQP-Complete ProblemsZhang, Shengyu
Dominik Janzing and Pawel Wocjan. A promiseBQP-complete string rewriting prob- lem. arXiv:0705.1180, 2007.Wocjan P and Janzing D 2007 A Promise BQP-complete string rewriting problem arXiv:0705.1180Janzing D and Wocjan P 2007 A PromiseBQP-complete string rewriting problem arXiv:0705.1180...
We show that this problem is BQP-complete. It can be solved efficiently on aquantum computer by repeatedly applying measurements of A to the jth basisvector and raising the outcome to the mth power. Conversely, every quantumcircuit that solves a problem in BQP can be encoded into a sparse ...
Janzing, D, Wocjan, P (2007) A simple PromiseBQP-complete matrix problem. Theor Comput 3: pp. 61-79Dominik Janzing and Pawel Wocjan. A simple PromiseBQP-complete matrix problem. Theory of Computing, 3(4):61-79, 2007.D. Janzing and P. Wocjan. A simple Promise BQP-complete matrix...