面我的面试官女士应该是来自法国的,很干练也很nice。KPMG的BPS的M面试准备一个case,然后加上fit interview, 总共是一个小时面试。 准备case,你可以选择任何一个公司,主要讲关于它risk management方面。个人觉得最好挑一个比较熟的公司,因为follow-on的问题还是蛮多的。 我具体哪个公司,就不说了,但是注意的是,面试...
Tes was advised by Richard May, Liam Freeman and Conor Boyle at DLA Piper (for legal), by Sue Richardson and Hannah Maughan on financial and Brad Keast and James Lavelle on tax at KPMG (financial and tax due diligence), by Roy Cornick, Rahul Prasad, Arda Kaya at EY-Parthenon (for pr...
As Senior Associate in the BPS team, you will be responsible to manage all the assigned tasks of the relevant function (E.g. Payroll, Accounting, Corporate Entity Management, VAT Compliance Services, and Finance) of the client to ensure smooth and efficient processing of the client deliverables....
In 2019, Sarasin brought together roughly 30 institutional investors towrite to the Big Four audit firms(PWC, KPMG, EY and Deloitte) to set out investor expectation for Paris-aligned audits. Letters followed to audit committees as specific companies, including BP, Shell and Total in November 2019...