Related courses Degree Take control, with more time to prepare for the Bar and master’s level training that gives you the competitive edge. Degree LLM Bar Training Course Gain a competitive edge, with the skills and knowledge you need to secure pupillage. Earn a Masters alongside your Barriste...
Bar Training Course with Professional Legal Studies Get the support you need to prepare for the Bar, with a foundation term that gives you the confidence to succeed. Degree Bar Training Course with Professional Legal Studies (Masters) Take control, with more time to prepare for the Bar and mas...
With over 16,000 students from more than 100 countries, BPP University is a diverse, multicultural university where you can network and make global connections while studying towards your future career.
(QLD), they are perfect if you want to move on to the Legal Practice Course (LPC) to be a solicitor, or undertake the Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC) if you aim to be a barrister. You may also want to use the knowledge and skills you have learnt to open the doors to a ...
Centre or Registered Centre status. Lcls (South), by demonstrating a sustained commitment to developing excellence in respect of teaching, support to students and administrative processes has achieved the Affiliate Centre status, which is the highest level of recognition awarded by the University of ...
BPP大学是英国签证与移民局(UKVI)的 Tier 4赞助方,有"University for the Professions"(高端职场精英大学)的美称,并于2013年获得最佳专业精英大学的奖项。 BPP大学法学院在《法律周刊》"2014年度法律学生报告"教学质量的排名中位列前五甲。 BPP大学为FT语爱校提良皇SE 100(伦敦富时指数)排行榜上80%的公司的专业...
BPP is currently the only approved learning provider of the BTT – the qualifying pathway to the Bar, on behalf of the Bar Standards Board (BSB).
BPP University Law School is currently the only approved learning provider of the BTT - the qualifying pathway to the Bar, delivered on behalf of the Bar Standards Board (BSB). Higher Rights of Audience (HRA) Represent clients as a solicitor-advocate in the senior civil or criminal courts thr...
The name of the course varies between providers: at BPP our Bar course is the ‘Barrister Training Course’. Once you have passed this course, you can be called to the Bar. The final stage of your training involves a practical work-based element, known as pupillage, which normally last ...
You must have submitted an application to study at BPP University; You must have applied for a scholarship by the relevant deadline stated below; To be considered for the Career Commitment Scholarship, the list price of the course you have applied for must be at least £9,500; You must ...