Every package must have a file calledbpkg.json(for backward-compatibilitypackage.jsoncan also be used); it specifies package metadata on theJSON format. Here's an example of a well-formedbpkg.json: {"name":"term","version":"0.0.1","description":"Terminal utility functions","scripts": [...
可以加入path (export PATH=$PATH:/path_to_bkpg/deps/bin) 特别版本安装 bpkg install jwerle/suggest.sh@0.0.1-g 其他方式安装(别的地方文档...) github方式 gitlab方式 coding.net方式 Makefile方式(没有package.json时) 当bpkg install xxx -g 的时候,会触发Makefile安装 例如: bpkg install stephenmat...
只要存储库中有一个Makefile,它就会尝试调用make install,只要在调用bpkg install时设置了-g或--global标志。 例如,您可以使用省略的package.json安装git-standup,因为其中有Makefile和install目标。 $ bpkg install stephenmathieson/git-standup -g info: Using latest (master) warn: Package doesn't exist warn...
coding.net方式 Makefile方式(没有package.json时) 当bpkg install xxx -g 的时候,会触发Makefile安装 例如: bpkg install stephenmathieson/git-standup -g package细节 package.json 例子: {"name":"term","version":"0.0.1","description":"Terminal utility functions","scripts":["term.sh"],"install"...
Makefile README.md bpkg.json example.sh term.sh Repository files navigation README MIT license term.sh Terminal fun written in bash inspired by clibs/term install $ make install or $ . term.sh usage usage: term [-hV] [args] example $ { term color green; } && { term under...
Bar GTE-98/090-08-V17-F Tech.File.Ref.ZXS01 D283 阀门Winkelmann 3049000 轴承KEB G72C DA160M4 IE2 TW 电机GANTER DIN6336-GG-50-B10-C 工具夹件GANTER GN212.3-40-M20-80-E 工具夹件GANTER GN-322-160-K16-A 工具夹件GANTER GN717-5-M8-BK-ST 工具夹件GANTER GN 717-6-M10-CK-ST 工具...
FILE-NO.E111399ZA-155 07070899MTS 201542 重0071MAVILOR BLT072 DC48V 标准配置KROM DG30VC4-6WG 84448973ASM CLMS2-2ABS71015000量程1-5000mmBENDER W35 B98080010HUBNER HEAG 174ST 2189400HYDAC ETS1700-100-000+TFP100SAMSON 3372-0511.01 PN16 DN50 4-20mAMAC 46A-LSA-AC-JDCP-1FA/24VDCWAYCON 0039794...
其他的信息请您参见新介绍 (PDF-File 320 kB)外型结构小巧功能强大的光电传感器特别适用于传输业和装配业的位置检测。带固定检测距离范围的对射式传感器、镜面反射传感器及漫反射传感器。可见红光易于目标物的校准。背景消隐的漫反射传感器。细小的光斑可以用于检测细小的物体。应用 即使是长距离的检测,细小的光斑及狭窄的...
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I try to install shellm-shellman with bpkg but I get this error: error: Unable to find 'package.json' in /home/pawamoy/deps/shellm-shellman. Besides it seems that the files directive is broken, look at these two lines: fetch: https://raw...