According to Constitution of Social Security System, Workers Social Security Agency (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan) organizes four social security programs, namely Occupational Accident Benefit (JaminanKecelakaanKerja, JKK), Old-age Benefit (JaminanHariTua, JHT), Dea...
PELAKSANAAN PROGRAM JAMINAN KESEHATAN YANG DISELENGGARAKAN BPJS KESEHATAN BAGI PEKERJA PT PROPAN RAYA I.C.C TANGERANGThe purpose of"BPJS" Health Care establishment is aligned in article 3 Laws Number 24 year 2011 about Social Health Security Agenc...
PELAKSANAAN JAMINAN KECELAKAAN KERJA BAGI\\ud\nPEKERJA YANG TIDAK TERDAFTAR DALAM PROGRAM\\ud\nBPJS KETENAGAKERJAAN DI FURNITURE ANAK\\ud\nYOGYAKARTA Furniture Children of Yogyakarta does not include the workers into the labor insurance program of BPJS due to the following factors: first reason is...
PELAKSANAAN KESEHATAN DAN KESELAMATAN KERJA DAN JAMINAN SOSIAL/BPJS KETENAGAKERJAAN BAGI PEKERJA DI KANTOR NOTARISdoi:10.46799/jsa.v4i3.563Notary office is one type of workplace that requires the implementation of occupational health and safety as well as social security / BPJS em...
PELAKSANAAN JAMINAN SOSIAL TENAGA KERJA PROGRAM BPJS KECELAKAAN KERJA BAGI PEKERJA DI PERUSAHAAN BUS PO.PANSAThis research was entitled "The Implementation of labor's social insurance of BPJS work accident program for worker at PO.PANSA bus company". T...