Writing in the bank’s annual report for 2023, BPI chief executive João Pedro Oliveira e Costa acknowledged the effect of monetary policy on the bank’s results but argued that BPI’s commitment to lending, its willingness to renegotiate mortgage loans for struggl...
BPI released its report on the UK's most streamed songs and albums for 2023, along with figures on physical sales for vinyl, CDs and cassette tapes.
The company won an i-Lab innovation award in 2022 and is certified under the France 2030 investment plan. It secured funding of €1.25 million in 2022 via WiSEED, Bpifrance and the Grand Est region. www.biper-tx.com Editor Details Dec 17, 2024Theranexus Presents an Update of its Cash ...
The U.K. is the world’s third biggest recorded music market behind the U.S. and Japan with sales of just under $1.7 billion in trade value, according to IFPI’s 2023 Global Music Report. “Led by streaming, this ninth consecutive annual rise in recorded music revenues highlights ...
January 25, 2022 BPI Chief Economist Bill Nelson delivered remarks today at an event hosted by George Washington University focusing on the Federal Reserve and whether decisions by the Fed exacerbated economic inequality after the financial crisis. The event follows the recent publication of a book ...
Under the proposed rule, the assessment base for the special assessment would be equal to an insured depository institution’s estimated uninsured deposits, reported as of December 31, 2022,[3]adjusted to exclude the first $5.0 billion of the IDI’s estimated uninsured deposits.[4]This approach...
But in 2022, Citi again charged me the annual fee. I tried Method #1 again but they did not budge so I resorted to Method #2 and, alas, it worked! More details of this story below. So how to convince credit card companies to waive the annual fee? Try any of these three (3) tri...
o 55 per cent of US households will own a smart speaker by 2022 (175m units in 70m homes). Impact on music o Music is the most popular use for smart speakers, with users listening to more audio than they did before pu...
In the fourth quarter of 2022, Silvergate Bank, a $16 billion California bank with a concentration in the crypto industry, experienced a depositor run after the crypto firm FTX collapsed. In total, nearly 70 percent of the bank’s deposits fled in that quarter, totaling $8.1 billion. The ...
BPI released its report on the UK's most streamed songs and albums for 2023, along with figures on physical sales for vinyl, CDs and cassette tapes.