male reproductive medical terms 35個詞語 Lecture 16: Postate, rectum, anal canal, and inguinal canal 66個詞語 anatomy: urinary system 22個詞語 MMS pelvic viscera 102個詞語 本學習集中的詞語(56) noncancerous enlargement or hypertrophy of the prostate; the most common pathologic condition in older...
KeyLaboratoryofClinicalMedicalExperimentalResearchofUniversitiesHenanProvince, Zhengzhou450052,China Abstract:ObjectiveToinvestigatethesignificanceofuroflowmetrycombinedwithultrasonicresidualurineinevaluationofdetrusorfunctioninthepatientswithbenignprostatehyperplasia(BPH).MethodsNon-invasivedetrusorcontractilestudies(NIDCS)including...
Introduction The introduction of medical therapy for BPH in the 1980s led to a dramatic decrease in the use of TURP. In the last two decades, several minimally invasive techniques for BPH have been introduced, yet previous studies have shown their utilization rates to be low. With fewer TURPs...
(Department of Urology, the Affiliated People Hospital, Zhenjiang Medical College,Zhenjiang,Jiangsu, 212002) Abstract Purpose:To evaluate the clinical application of the standard method (temporary) of Pressure-Flow studies recommended by ICS in diagnosis and treatment of BPH. Methods:45 cases of patien...
患者首先进行NIDCS,包括自由尿流率和耻骨上B超残余尿测定,记录最大尿流率(Qmax)、尿流曲线形状和残余尿量(PVR [] Nevéus T,von Gontard A,Hoebeke P,et al.The standardization of terminology of lower urinary tract function in children and adolescents: report from the Standardisation Committee of the ...
We suggest using 45 degree semi-reclining position in CMG. Key Words: benign prostatic hyperplasia; cyctometric parameter; storage symptom; position 中英文对照索引BPH BOO LUTS CMG FS FU MCCBCBenign Prostatic Hyperplasia Bladder Outlet Obstruction Lower Urinary Tract Symptom CystometryVolume of First ...
It should be noted that this terminology represents individuals that display equol levels of around 10 to 20 ng/mL or more, which is an arbitrary biomarker [13], whereas in comparison to most other mammals (except pigs) the levels of equol range from 800 to over 2500 ng/mL [13]. ...