An accused is not guilty under BPC 12024 if he sold someone a lesser quantity of a good byaccident. A seller’s actions must be intentional. A defendant, therefore, can always try and prove his innocence by showing that he made a simple mistake or committed an accident. 2.2. No sale Pl...
24 亿元; 7 个山水街巷公园基本建设完 工;城镇老旧小区改造项目 9 个, 涉及 122 个小区, 12024 户,完成 投资额 1097 . 3 万元. 策划先行 包装好项 目吸引 "真金白银" 日前,在桂林古宋城文化休闲街 区项目现场,建设正如火如荼地开展 着.该项目一期总投资约 13 亿元, 以 700 多年前宋代的桂林城池图...