Spencer Dale, bp chief economist, adds: “Global energy markets have been severely disrupted by the pandemic. bp’s Statistical Review highlights the key energy trends emerging before Covid-19 and I hope it will be a valuable source of information as the world emerges f...
bp Statistical Reviewof World Energy2022 | 71st edition 2021 auf einen Blick Die Energienachfrage und Emissionen stiegen im Jahr 2021 in etwa wieder auf das Niveau vor der Pandemie, wodurch der vorübergehende Rückgang im Jahr 2020 infolge der COVID-19-Pandemie wieder ausgeglichen wurde. ...
Spencer Dale, bp Chief Economist, adds: “Global energy markets have been severely disrupted by the pandemic. bp’s Statistical Review highlights the key energy trends emerging before Covid-19 and I hope it will be a valuable source of information as the world emerges from the pandemic...
LONDON — Oil and gas giantBPon Thursday published its benchmark Statistical Review of World Energy, describing 2020 "as a year like no other" due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on global energy. Over the past seven decades, BP said it had borne witness to some of the most ...
Spencer Dale, bp chief economist, adds: “Global energy markets have been severely disrupted by the pandemic. bp’s Statistical Review highlights the key energy trends emerging before Covid-19 and I hope it will be a valuable source of information as the world emerges from the pandemic and tr...
https://www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/energy-economics/statistical-review-of-world-energy.html Howdy, Stranger! It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! Sign InRegister as New User
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Statistical Review of World Energy2020 69th editionDiscover more onlineAll the tables and charts found in the printed e