Abstract: ln order to make traffic prediction more accurately, aiming at the problems of random assignment and slow convergence of the traditional BP neural network, an improved sparrow search algorithm(SSA) is proposed to optimize the BP neural network prediction model. The model combines the SSA ...
Fig.1 Schematic diagram of the BP neural network structure 在BP神经网络中的各个神经元节点之间的信息传递方式如下: (1) yj=fj(uj) (2) 式中:uj、bj、yj、fj分别是该层节点j的输入值、偏置、输出值和激活函数;xi是上层i节点的输出值;wij是上一层...
Figure 1 shows the BP neural network’s structure. Figure 1 Structure diagram of BP network. Due to the strong correlation between the data during multisensor data fusion, the data can only be input into the BP after processing, otherwise the running speed of the network and the accuracy of...
通过实例分析验证了计算模型的正确性,该计算模型可应用于大批量斜坡稳定性分析。关键词:BP 神经网络;滑坡;敏感性;影响因子;稳定性预测 Sensitivity analysis of landslide based on BP neural network in Yiyang City, Hunan Province HUANG Xiaolong, XIONG Yuanhong, LI Hongling (Urban Geological Survey and ...
【关键词】露点间接蒸发冷却空调机组;BP 神经网络;PSO 优化BP 神经网络;性能预测;灰色关联分析 中图分类号TP183/TU831 文献标识码A Study on Performance Prediction of Dew Point Indirect Evaporative Cooling Air Conditioning Unit Based on BP Neural Network Optimized by PSO Chen Meng Huang Xiang Qu Yue...
Fig.2-2BPneuralnetworkstructurediagram 10 2理论基础知识 图2-2包含信息描述如下:表示输入的数据特征,表示经过模型训练后得到的输 出结果,表示训练样本的实际值。为输入层第i个神经元与隐含层第j个神经元的连 接权值,为隐含层的第j个神经元与输出层第k个神经元的连接权值,为隐含层神经 元j对于所有输入层神经...
Abstract:According to the liquid level control of sulphide flotation ,a new algorithm is put forward.Base on the neural network toolbox of MATLAB7.0and the BP net theory ,the modeling method for BP net is introduced ,which is used in water control in the power plant.The effective way ...
图 2 BP 神经网络结构 Fig.2 Schematic diagram of BP neural network structure 图 3 GA⁃BP 神经网络流程 Fig.3 GA⁃BP neural network process 1 4 1 原始数据采集及时空匹配数据源( 训练集 和测试集) 其中,时空匹配站点,获取数据源包括: ( 1) 地面环保站点与气象站点时空匹配 地质制版 Dz09 \ D...
图2 神经网络PID系统构成图Fig.2 PID control system based on neural networks 2.1 BP神经网络 BP神经网络是应用最为广泛的一种前馈网络,通常由输入层、隐含层、输出层构成,隐含层可以有多层,层与层之间通过权矩阵联接[5-6]。其一般网络结构如图3所示。 图3 BP神经网络结构图Fig.3 Structure diagram of neural...
BP neural network evaluation model 图3中,x1~x8表示8个关键评估指标;?wij1表示输入层与隐含层间的权值矩阵;?wij2表示隐含层与输出层间的权值矩阵;φ(k)表示隐含层的输出,计算式为[14] φk=θ∑iwij1xi+a1=θsj1 (2) y1表示输出层的输出,计算式为 y1=θ∑kwij2φk+a2=θs12 (3) 式(2)、式(3...