BP的深水地平线钻井平台是指位于墨西哥湾的钻井平台,由英国石油公司运营。此平台用于开采深海石油资源。平台的运营涉及到多个公司,其中越洋石油公司(Transocean Ltd.)负责租赁该钻井平台给英国石油公司使用。在2010年墨西哥湾发生钻井平台爆炸事故后,平台的运营商英国石油公司面临了巨大的挑战。此次事故不仅...
BP:英国石油公司 Deepwater:深水 Drilling Rig:钻井平台 Horizon:传统意义都是垂直钻井,不知道这里是不是指directional drilling
Deepwater Horizon: BP Oil Spill Edit It looks like we don't have any plot for this title yet.Be the first to contribute. Learn more Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content IMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our data ...
However, as the BP Deepwater Horizon imbroglio has played out over the last few months I have been minded of my observations of 10 years earlier when I voiced some concern over BP's new corporate brand positioning: a positioning that was, to me, well-intentioned, but misguided; a ...
钻井平台DeepwaterHorizon •具有九年历史的半潜式海上钻井平台•最大作业水深:2438米•额定钻深能力:9100米•BP公司租期:2008年3月—2013年9月 井身结构 事故经过 防喷器 事故经过 救援措施 救援措施 汇报提纲 •事故介绍•事故后果•事故可能的原因•应吸取的教训 RiskAssessmentMatrix LowProbability...
State of the art satellite and airborne marine oil spill remote sensing: Application to the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill The vast and persistent Deepwater Horizon (DWH) spill challenged response capabilities, which required accurate, quantitative oil assessment at synoptic an... Ira Leifer and ...
http://www.deepwaterhorizonresponse.com/go/doc/2931/900707/ Statement from Admiral Allen on the Successful Completion of the Relief Well "After months of extensive operations planning and execution under the direction and authority of the U.S. government science and engineering teams, BP has succe...
BP agrees deal for Deepwater Horizon failings.The article reports on BP PLC's agreement in paying $4 billion in fines and penalties over its involvement in the Deepwater Horizon disaster that killed 11 people and induced the largest environmental catastrophe in the U.S. It mentions that its ...
The article discusses the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010 and the live video feed of the spill in the Gulf of Mexico that was broadcast on a number of television channels. The use of remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) to film and repair the broken wellhead at the oil rig is consi...
Deepwater Horizon accident and response bp, government agencies and others worked together to control the spill and minimize its impact on the environment, human health, and the economy. At its peak in 2010, the response effort involved the mobilization of approximately 48,000 people, the coordina...