1-year stock price forecast High $50.0050.97%Median $36.7811.06%Low $30.697.35%Current Price33.12past 12 monthsnext 12 monthsBP Competitors Insights Learn $ Market cap P/E ratio $ Price 1d change 52-week range BP BP p.l.c. Sponsored ADR 68.47B 231.93x 33.12 0.00% 27.8240....
In conclusion, the higher forecast accuracies were achieved in the verification sets of Shandong and Henan Province for the county-level winter wheat yield forecast using CNN and BP neural networks. The better performance of the model can be expected to deal...
在我认为,理解一个模型首先从“是什么,能干什么?”入手,由问题导向解决问题。 BP神经网络基于多层感知机(MLP),MLP是多层的全连接的前馈网络,是一种算法结构,由于仿照神经元的结构,被称为神经网络(还包括CNN,RNN,Transformer等)。 简而言之能解决现实生活中非线性的“分类”和“拟合”的问题。(后面我们会动手画一...
本研究旨在开发一种基于特征选择和BP神经网络的风电机组故障分类监测系统。该系统将通过以下步骤实现: 1.数据收集:收集风电机组的运行数据,包括正常和异常状态的数据。 2.特征工程:进行特征选择,选择与故障类型相关的特征。参考文献[1][5][17]提供了有效的特征选择方法,如粒子群优化、遗传算法等。
Another camera is utilized to extract features like dimensions of the vehicle using machine learning operations such as Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Based on the size of the vehicle, best fit parking slot is allotted which gives ... V Ch,VR Rao,BP Dandumahanti - 《International Journal...
A combination forecast model on account of Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) and BP neural network is proposed so as to forecast the West Lake rainfall water level at the source of the Headwaters of the Liede Chung Valley in Guangzhou. The study uses the hydrological time series of West Lake from...
Therefore,G-SARIMA-BP-LSTMisusedtoforecastBEVandPEHVofdifferent typesofnewenergyvehicleandthetotalsalesvolumeofnewenergyvehicleduring January2023toDecember2023. Keywords:Newenergyvehicle;Salesforecast;SARIMA;BPneuralnetwork; LSTMlongandshorttermmemory
During the environmental weather forecast, it will be affected by the clouds in the air, which will reduce the accuracy of the weather forecast. Multisensor data fusion technology can be used to eliminate the impact of cloud coverage in the air. It has good prediction accuracy when dealing ...
आर्किārki= अर्कपुत्रarka-putra= अर्कतनयाarka-tanayā= अर्कजarka-ja= born [ja] of the Sun [arka] सहस्ररश्मितनयsahasra-raśmi- tanaya= son of the 1000-rayed [Sun] ...