Bullous pemphi- goid antigen II (BP180) and its soluble extracellular domains are major autoantigens in mucous membrane pemphigoid: the pathogenic relevance to HLA class II alleles and disease severity. Br J Dermatol 2006; 154: 90-8.
% P1 - the first parent ( [solution string function value] ) % P2 - the second parent ( [solution string function value] ) % bounds - the bounds matrix for the solution space % Ops - Options matrix for arith crossover [gen #ArithXovers] %% 选择一个随机的混合量 a = rand; %% 创建...
% P1 - the first parent ( [solution string function value] ) % P2 - the second parent ( [solution string function value] ) % bounds - the bounds matrix for the solution space % Ops - Options matrix for arith crossover [gen #ArithXovers] %% 选择一个随机的混合量 a = rand; %% 创建...
Although very simple, the framework is able to explain much of the broad contours in energy demand over the past 20 years or so. This framework predicts that the growth in energy demand should have slowed a little last year, reflecting the slightly weaker economic backdrop and the ...
Prehypertension120 – 139or80 – 90 High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Stage 1140 – 159or90 – 99 High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Stage 2160 or higheror100 or Higher Hypertensive Crisis (Emergency Care Needed)Higher than 180orHigher than 110 ...
Automatic Measure Interval: 15, 20, 30, 40, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240 minutes Measure range: Pressure:0kPa (0mmHg)~38.67kPa (290mmHg) Resolution: 1mmHg Accuracy: ±3mmHg Alarm parameter: SYS, DIA Inflation: automatic inflation by force pump Deflation: automatic m...
• In the ET scenario, both of these trends – growing population and increasing prosperity – are particularly concentrated in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, which together account for over 90% of the growth in building energy use. • The relatively warm climate covering much of these ...
Moreover, a macropinocytosis inhibitor rescued a BP-IgG–induced reduction in the adhesive strength of the cells from their substrate. The results of this study suggest that BP180 internalization induced by BP-IgG plays an important role in the initiation of disease pathogenesis....
Normal: Less than 120 over 80 (120/80) Elevated: 120-129/less than 80. Stage 1 high blood pressure: 130-139/80-89. Stage 2 high blood pressure: 140 and above/90
Central Azeri Shah Deniz Stage 1 Shah Deniz Stage 2 Inam Alov By 2009, it is planned that the BTC pipeline will have a capacity to export a million barrels of oil a day to world markets – representing a significant proportion of expected growth in world oil demand over the next few ...