% P1 - the first parent ( [solution string function value] ) % P2 - the second parent ( [solution string function value] ) % bounds - the bounds matrix for the solution space % Ops - Options matrix for arith crossover [gen #ArithXovers] %% 选择一个随机的混合量 a = rand; %% 创建...
Automatic Measure Interval: 15, 20, 30, 40, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240 minutes Measure range: Pressure:0kPa (0mmHg)~38.67kPa (290mmHg) Resolution: 1mmHg Accuracy: ±3mmHg Alarm parameter: SYS, DIA Inflation: automatic inflation by force pump Deflation: automatic m...
Font and barcode rotation0°,90°,180°,270° Environment conditionOperation: 5 ~ 40°C, 25 ~ 85% non-condensing, Storage: -40 ~ 60°C, 10 ~ 90% non-condensing Specifications: Address:4/F, Block 10, Zhongxing Industrial Park, Chuangye Road, ...
def crossover_and_mutation(pop, CROSSOVER_RATE=0.95): # 单点交叉 new_pop = [] for father in pop: # 遍历种群中的每一个个体,将该个体作为父亲 child = father if np.random.rand() < CROSSOVER_RATE: # 产生子代时不是必然发生交叉,而是以一定的概率发生交叉 mother = pop[np.random.randint(P...
Central Azeri Shah Deniz Stage 1 Shah Deniz Stage 2 Inam Alov By 2009, it is planned that the BTC pipeline will have a capacity to export a million barrels of oil a day to world markets – representing a significant proportion of expected growth in world oil demand over the next few ...
there is a variation in blood pressure throughout the day. A long-term increase in blood pressure can slowly but dramatically impair health. A blood pressure reading greater than180/120 mm Hgis a sign of a medical emergency and needs immediate treatment. High blood pressure raises the danger ...
Moreover, a macropinocytosis inhibitor rescued a BP-IgG–induced reduction in the adhesive strength of the cells from their substrate. The results of this study suggest that BP180 internalization induced by BP-IgG plays an important role in the initiation of disease pathogenesis....
女,80岁。高血病史20年。间断头晕。既往有痛风史,查体:BP180/90mmHg,心率52次/分,律齐,心脏各瓣膜听诊区未闻及杂音。实验室检查,血肌酐100µmol/L,血钾正常,该患者的最适宜降压治疗方案是( )。A.缬沙坦与美托洛尔B.氨氯地平与美托洛尔C.缬沙坦与氢氯噻嗪D.氨
The mean age of our LPP patients is 48 y, which is in contrast to the mean age of 75 y in the 115 BP patients treated at the University of Würzburg over the past 10 y (Kippes et al. 1999). In contrast to BP, bullous lesions in LPP are preceded by papules and plaques...
DE 算法主要用于求解连续变量的全局优化问题,其主要工作步骤与其他进化算法基本一致,主要包括变异(Mutation)、交叉(Crossover)、选择(Selection)三种操作。算法的基本思想是从某一随机产生的初始群体开始,利用从种群中随机选取的两个个体的差向量作为第三个个体的随机变化源,将差向量加权后按照一定的规则与第三个个体求和...