The Boys of St. Vincent: 15 Years Later: Directed by John N. Smith. With Henry Czerny, Sebastian Spence, Lise Roy, David Hewlett. Fifteen years after the events of The Boys of St. Vincent took place, the various boys involved are brought in to testify ag
The Boys of St. Vincent: Directed by John N. Smith. With Henry Czerny, Johnny Morina, Brian Dooley, Philip Dinn. The true story of boys being sexually abused at their orphanage ran by a religious community in Newfoundland.
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别名:文森特大街的男孩 导演:John N. Smith 演员:Johnny Morina / Brian Dodd 类型:剧情 上映时间 :1970年01月01日 片长:186分钟 语言:English 地区:Canada 简介 这部电影根据真实事件改编,讲述了加拿大的圣文森特天主教孤儿院,教会神父对十岁的凯文和其他孩子们进行性虐待的故事。这个事件浮出水面后警方开始进行...
又 名圣文生男孩 The Boys of St. Vincen... 编剧Sam GranaJohn N. Sm... 主 演亨利·科泽尼Johnny MorinaBrian DooleyPhilip DinnBrian Dodd 剧情 This movie is based on actual events, but it says it is not all about one specific incident. It documents St. Vincent's Orphanage in Canada,......
《圣文森的男孩们 The Boys of St. Vincent》于1992-12-06(加拿大)上映。是由约翰·N·史密斯执导, 由Des Walsh, 约翰·N·史密斯, Sam Grana担任主编, 演员艾丹·迪瓦恩, Sean Tataryn, David Graham等主演的《圣文森的男孩们 The Boys of St. Vincent》是一部剧情类型电影。 这部电影根据真实事件改编,...
The Boys of St. Vincent(1992 TV Movie) 9/10 Fearsome 9 April 2005 Horror films as such have nothing on the THE BOYS OF ST. VINCENT. Loosely based on the Roman Catholic child molestation scandals as they unfolded in Canada, this 1991 film was first show on Canadian television but later ...
圣文森的男孩们 The Boys of St. Vincent 上映/发行日期 国家/地区日期 美国1994年06月03日 巴西2005年01月24日
《圣文生男孩II:15年后 The Boys of St. Vincent: 15 Years Later》是由John N. Smith执导, 演员Henry Czerny ... Peter Lavin, Sebastian Spence ... Kevin Reevey age 25主演的《圣文生男孩II:15年后 The Boys of St. Vincent: 15 Years Later》是一部剧情类型电影。 Fifteen...
又名圣文生男孩 The Boys of St. Vincen...编剧 Sam GranaJohn N. Sm... 主演 亨利·科泽尼Johnny MorinaBrian DooleyPhilip DinnBrian Dodd 剧情 This movie is based on actual events, but it says it is not all about one specific incident. It documents St. Vincent's Orphanage in Canada,.....