Popular Chinese boy's names Top 30 Most Common Chinese Boy's Names These words are very common and frequently used in Chinese males' names. If you want a name that is not so unique, only choose one from them. 1. 伟 (wěi) – greatness 2. 国 (guó) – country 3. 健 (jiàn) –...
As parents, some baby names we choose because we like the sound of them. Others are selected because their definition is meaningful for us. Alternatively, you may be looking for a name that reflects your baby’s emerging personality. Whatever the reason you are searching, we have carefully re...
Throughout history, we have been fascinated by the moon. Perhaps that is why people seek out baby moon names. Baby names that mean moon can be more common ones or extremely unique, almost guaranteeing your child won’t have anyone else with the same name in their class at school. Cultures...
Spanish Names For Boys Starting With P Pablo (Spanish name) –“Small” or “humble”; variant of the Latin name “Paul” Paciano (Spanish name; pronounced as “pah-sha-noh”) –“Peace” Pacifico (Spanish name; pronounced as “pah-see-fee-koh”) –“Tranquil,”“calm,” or “quie...
Boys' names that mean “love,”“heart,”“beloved,” or “loved” are charming and carry a deep and meaningful sentiment. Any of these names, drawn from various cultures and languages, could be the perfect choice for your little boy, who will go through life with a name that embodies ...
Scottish names See all Baby names by theme Cool names Biblical names Unisex names Nature-inspired names Short names Scary names Names that mean peace Food baby names Names that mean miracle Common Spanish names Gender neutral names Cute boy names ...
1. What are the African names for boys that mean ‘King?’ Eze is a beautiful African baby boy name that means ‘king’ in Ibo culture. In Arabic or Swahili, on the other hand, Malik or Maalik is popular, meaning ‘king.’
chassis, bod, human body, material body, physical body, physique, build, anatomy, figure, flesh, frame, shape, soma, form - alternative names for the body of a human being; "Leonardo studied the human body"; "he has a strong physique"; "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak"...
Male Celebrities With Hippie Names Axl (Hebrew)–“Father is peace”; after Axl Rose of Guns N Roses Bruno – From the Germanic elements that mean ‘brown’ and ‘armor’; for Bruno Mars Heath –“Heathland dweller”; after Heath Ledger Keanu (Hawaiian name)– Cool breeze over the mountai...
Here are some baby boy names that mean Sun to pick from 1. Aarush Aarush is a Sanskrit-origin name which means ‘the first ray of the sun’. 2. Aditya In Hinduism, the name Aditya means ‘sun’, is a long-standing popular name. This name is also mentioned in the ancient Hindu text...