After its successful theatrical release on June 9th, the Telugu family drama is all set to premiere on OTT. Directed by Suresh Naredla, Intinti Ramayanam unfolds in the rustic setting of Telangana and is predominantly a comedy with a backdrop of theft. The film features Rahul Ramakrishna, Na...
Read on to find out the best OTT releases this week that are sure to make your weekend worthwhile. 1. Black Adam – Amazon Prime Video (March 15) Black Adam is a spin-off to the 2019 movie Shazam. Black Adam is an ancient human with superpowers...
Tune in to Boys Vs Girls Colors Sunday Kondattam on 23rd May , Sunday at 7:00 PM, as the show is set to raise the bar of entertainment.
Paperboy, the upcoming romantic entertainer, has been making a lot of buzz for the last few days. After Mahesh Babu, it’s Prabhas’ turn to appreciate the film’s trailer. Paperboy’s team today met Prabhas and showed him the trailer. The Young Rebel Star had some good things to say a...