The article reports that nonprofit youth organization Boy Scouts of America will end its ban on gay leaders. Topics discussed include the limitation on leadership jobs for heterosexuals in church-run units, the decline in its membership due to the ban, and the statements from the Scouts' ...
WASHINGTON, Feb. 18 (Xinhua) -- The 110-year-old Boy Scouts of America (BSA), one of the largest youth organizations in the United States, has filed for bankruptcy protection, according to a court filing issued Tuesday in the northeastern state of Delaware. The bankruptcy filing came as th...
The Boy Scouts of America is exploring a range of options to address it's increasingly shaky financial situation. Those may include declaring bankruptcy, with the more than century-old organization facing rising legal fees due to lawsuits over its handling of sexual abuse allegations. In a Dec. ...
A federal judge on March 28 denied an appeal, largely made by insurers, to strike down the Boy Scouts of America’s reorganization plan approved last year to allow the nonprofit to settle tens of thousands of sexual abuse claims. The more than 150-page document from Judge Richard G. Andrews...
NEW YORK (AP) — Facing a possible bankruptcy due to sex-abuse litigation, the Boy Scouts of America issued a new apology Tuesday to survivors of abuse and announced plans for expanded services to support them. The Boy Scouts are teaming up in a five-year partnership with 1in6, a nationa...
NEW YORK (AP) — Under pressure over its long-standing ban on gays, the Boys Scouts of America is proposing to lift the ban for youth members but continue to exclude gays as adult leaders. The Scouts announced Friday that the proposal would be submitted to the roughly 1,400 voting members...
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Takeaway 1:Boy Scouts of America (BSA)is a debtor with tens of thousands of non-debtor entities. The Boy Scouts bankruptcy proceeding is a mass tort case that involves sexual abuse claims. The Boy Scouts bankruptcy case also underscores BSA’s violation of trust as a national ...
California’s seven Supreme Court judges have voted unanimously to prohibit state judges from holding membership in the Boy Scouts of America; the ruling is based on the grounds that the Scouts discriminate against gays. California is one of several states that has rules on the booksbanning judges...
This targeting list includes more than 3,400 individuals at more than 5,500 nonprofits, and more than 1,800 individuals at 660 educational institutions. The Boy Scouts of America was the nonprofit with the highest number of individual targets, but Scarlet Widow’s targets also included the nati...