Scout Awards - see what awards are available to scouts Scout Ceremonies - some ceremony ideas Scout Games - patrol or troop games Scout Graces - fun meal graces Scout Jokes - funny, gross, and silly jokes for scouts Scout Projects - community projects for Scouts BSA patrols or troops Scout ...
Boy Scout Troop 155 Awards Merit Badges
RETIRED 2024 as part of complete Cub Scout program redesign. Many awards were redone as elective adventures. Cub Scouts at all levels from Tiger to Webelos can earn the Outdoor Activity Award. When the award is first earned, the scout receives the pocket flap award, worn on the right pocket...
On each of the three camping trips in Scout requirement 2, discuss with your troop or team the impact problems encountered and the methods the unit used to eliminate or at least minimize those impacts. Read chapters 7 through 10 (Leaving No Trace), chapter 27 (Understanding Nature), and ...
I have a real problem. After 4 years of Cub Scouts, my son is now in a Boy Scout Troop. The Scoutmaster does not have any active patrols. He gets defensive and angry when the subject of patrols is brought up. He has publicly invited anyone who wants changes with which he is uncomfort...
Scout Activities- great scout activity ideas Scout Awards- see what awards are available to scouts Scout Ceremonies- some ceremony ideas Scout Games- patrol or troop games Scout Graces- fun meal graces Scout Jokes- funny, gross, and silly jokes for scouts ...
Continuing to develop leadership skills, the Life Scout rank is earned by fulfilling additional leadership positions, service hours, and merit badges. A Life Scout is expected to be a role model and leader in the troop, providing guidance to new scouts and helping the troop however possible. Be...
While a First Class Scout, serve actively in your troop for four months in one or more of the following positions of responsibility (or carry out a Scoutmaster-approved leadership project to help the troop): Scout troop: Patrol leader, assistant senior patrol leader, senior patrol leader, tro...
Once earned, the award is generally presented by the church or religious group but may also be recognized by the Scout unit at an event such as a Court of Honor or Troop meeting or Pack meeting. This award may be earned as a youth, or presented to an adult that is nominated. Once ...
"He wants nothing to do with the troop," said his wife. Deron Smith, spokesman for the Boy Scouts of America, told in a statement: "This scout proactively notified his unit leadership and Eagle Scout counselor that he does not agree to scouting's principle of 'Duty to God'...