This knife is a modern interpretation of a historical Boy Scout Knife. The original was made by the cutlery division of Remington and was called the REMF1C. from There were made for the boy scouts from 1933-1938. This was prior to boy Scouts issuing the edic...
The boyscout knife (1) possesses a knife (2) with handle (6) and blade (5) and a sheath (3) intended for receiving the blade (5) of the knife (2) to be inserted into it. An abrasive coating (11) is permanently attached to the outside of the sheath (3), in a limited zone,...
You were arrested by airport security because you wouldn't give up your official Boy Scout pocket knife until the officer said "thank you" You didn't mind losing power to your house for three days Your son hides his copy of Leader Magazine from you Your plans for remodeling the bathroom ...
If playing on a sidewalk, each scout has a square of cement to control - in a gym, tape on the floor can be used.The Ace serves the ball by hitting it with the palm of the hand so that it first bounces in the Ace's box one time, then hits the wall, then bounces in the ...
I don’t have much light to shine on the legalities here. I was in Cub Scouts and Webelos forty-plus years ago but lost interest because of frequent family moves and didn’t join a Boy Scout troop when we moved to Germany. My two daughters have been in Girl Scouts since kindergarten ...
Produced by Jim Ludwig THE BOY SCOUTS ON PICKET DUTY by Scout Master Robert Shaler CONTENTS CHAPTERS I. The Mysterious Steamer II. A Contraband Cargo III. On a Lone Scout IV. The Hut on the Beach V. Kidnapped by Smugglers VI. The Flight of the "Arrow" VI
The Boy Scouts Book Of Campfire Stories THE BOY SCOUTS BOOK OF CAMPFIRE STORIES Page 1 The Boy Scouts Book Of Campfire Stories THERE, STANDING KNEE-DEEP IN THE WATER, WAS THE BIGGEST AND BLACKEST MOOSE IN THE WORLD Downloaded from: "The Dump" at http://www.thedump.scout...
“You’ll probably get a knife in your side if you do,” Frank answered. “The Chinks are still in the room.” “Show a light!” The voice was nearer than before, and the three boys lifted to their feet and moved toward the window, which was just above where they had been sitting...
program for first year scouts while earning 9 merit badges at summer camp. Troop 61 was awarded a flagpole ribbon as one of only 4 troops to achieve "Honor Unit" status at camp. Each scout and adult who helped the troop earn the ribbon also received a monogrammed Swiss Army pocket knife...
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