Six letter names for boys are led by some longtime international name stars: Oliver, Elijah, Daniel, Samuel, and Joseph. Six letters is one of the most popular lengths for boys' names. Boy names with six letters make up a full third of the Top 1000. There are hundreds of intriguing and...
Victorian Boy Names (Classic Names From the 1800s) Classic Victorian Girl Names: With Meanings 41. Harith In Arabic, Harith means plowman or cultivator. As families become more multicultural, we love the idea of using traditional occupational names outside of their cultures of origin. Harith is...
Boy Names Lists Looking for lists of baby names for a little boy? Here you'll find lists of classic and unusual names for boys, lists of boy names from around the world, and boy names lists organized by meaning, image, and style. Among the most popular boy names lists are Attitude Nam...
Search Baby Names Quick Search Search Go Advanced Search Name Starts With Ends With Gender Any Boys Girls Only show unisex names Current Popularity [U.S.] Any More Popular Less Popular Origin Meaning Number of Letters Min Max Syllables [BETA] Min Max Search Baby...
Time running out to save his mother, Ned, helped by two new friends, Ali and Jamie, must prepare to confront the deadliest killer… No-one has ever seen!
Script: (scout names), please come forward with your parents.You see that I hold here a feather. This is not just any feather, but represents that of an Eagle, the most respected of all creatures. The eagle is most beloved by the Great Spirit because it represents life and how all thi...
Q:How many schools have recruited you? Names and details. A:Well, right now, there are a number of colleges recruiting me to play football: Nevada, Boise State, Washington, Oregon, California and Oregon State. But the schools that I am in contact with are Nevada, Oregon and Washington. ...
Others are Latinized versions of English, Scandinavian, German, or Slavic names. You can even create your own Italian-inspired baby names. Notice that some of these Italian names remove the “h” from the beginning and the “s” from the end. Some letters can also be changed so that “...
My dad said no, so I had the ide a for the book, " Evans said.The young boy and his father put names of bands together with the alphabet(字母表).“ We would think of bands sometimes at dinner or in the car,” Evans said, “ and go down all the letters and pick out one band...
ruch as Maisie fhr a girl and Alfle for a boy.Dut there see rules about narns in sotne countries In China, you can't ue foreign letters or symbols C(符号) in a Chinese name. In New Zealand, ramer can't begin with a number. Some countnies have d stricter rules. For cxample, ...