Wylie would hand Elder Sperry a long list of names—and Latham knew the names on that list didn't just land there willy-nilly, like crumbs on a couch cushion. No. Somebody had to think of your name and put it on there. And Wylie would think of Latham, because Wylie often pulled ...
1 names = ("alex","jack","eric") 它只有2个方法,一个是count,一个是index,完毕。 程序练习 请闭眼写出以下程序。程序:购物车程序需求:启动程序后,让用户输入工资,然后打印商品列表 允许用户根据商品编号购买商品 用户选择商品后,检测余额是否够,够就直接扣款,不够就提醒 可随时退出,退出时,打印已购买商品...
>>>names[0]'wq'>>>names[1]'jack'>>>names[-1]'john'>>>names[-2]#可以倒着取'jack' 切片:取多个元素 >>> names = ["Alex","Tenglan","Eric","Rain","Tom","Amy"]>>> names[1:4]#取下标1至下标4之间的数字,包括1,不包括4['Tenglan','Eric','Rain']>>> names[1:-1]#取下标...