looking at photos.do you remember#每日英语 #英语没那么难 #零基础英语 #每天进步一点 #每天学习一点点 #看动画学英语 _ 00:55 Look look look.we have seventy bags.#动画 #看动画学英语 #启蒙早教 #英语启蒙 #英文儿歌_70740827871747 00:49 look look look we have seventy bags#儿童动画 #趣味英...
When design entries come in, you can rate them so designers know what you’re looking for in your logo design. Give feedback 99designs has great collaboration tools so you can pinpoint and capture your ideas Dope Hope MidLevel 5(40) ...
-t use the block you are looking at.-p use the block you are currently in Anvil Commands [edit|top] (Manipulate billions of blocks: More Info) /anvil count <ids> [-d] Perm: worldedit.anvil.count Desc: Count blocks in a selection /anvil replace [from-block] <to-block> Perm: ...
While taking the camera apart I noticed this pretty big scratch-looking thing on the sensor. Except, when looking at it closely, it doesn’t look like a scratch but rather a deformation in the casting of the top of the sensor. Here take a look under the microscope. I wonder how this ...
郝昊天Skyboy 23-10-15 22:16 发布于 湖北 来自 iPhone客户端 身上事少自然苦少;口中言少自然祸少;心中欲少自然忧少。 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 查看更多 a 1600关注 1.1万粉丝 6988微博 微关系 ...
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It was read-only by the www-data user. No problem, I had an idea on how to get that flag already. I just needed a shell as www-data, and I remembered that there was an upload form at the P4TCH_4D4MS folder referred to in Nick’s dropbox. Looking at /etc/apache2/sites-enable...
Here’s my question — why’d Rin and Archer head out into the night in the previous episode if Rin was just going to sleep at a picnic table? Well, Rin was looking for Caster the whole day. Actually, in the novel, it was around 7 PM when she woke up. She was sleeping w...
Please perform changes and submit pull requests from thedevbranch instead ofmaster. Please set your editor to use spaces instead of tabs, and adhere to the apparent style of the code you are editing. Thedevbranch is always more "current" than themasterif you are looking to live life on th...
Anyway, I am not sure what I should think of the Reality Marble starting to change, when Shirou made his final charge at Archer. A Reality Marble reflects the inner mind of its caster, so the cogwheels stopping and the sky becoming brighter would symbolically mean that Archer is changing....