Manning, managed byUntitled Entertainment, has appeared in "Hustle & Flow," "Cold Mountain," "White Oleander" and "Crazy/Beautiful." She next appears in the indie film "8-3" and the remake "The Story of Bonnie and Clyde." Manning also is repped by music manager Mike Renault. She and...
Rachel Jacobs and son Joshua Elizabeth Denehie Duncan Creamer 3 / 137Rick Damigella LDBCer Tales from the Trenches Dorothy A – L Once she realized I realized, she whispered, “Sorry, Mom—I was going to change it but I didn’t know if that would be cheating or not.” Kenzie A – ...
Aderrien's mother, Nakala Murry, told CBS News that she gave her cell phone to her son and asked him to call her mother and the police after her daughter's father knocked on the door and "stated he was irate." "He was trying to help protect his mom," the family's lawyer, Carlo...
"I'd like to extend my deepest condolences to the family of the young man who lost his life late last night after falling from the Orlando Free Fall attraction. We can't imagine the pain and anguish that his family must be going through."- Sheriff John Mina Tyre Sampson, 14, was visi...
Aderrien's mother, Nakala Murry, told CBS News that she gave her cell phone to her son and asked him to call her mother and the police after her daughter's father knocked on the door and "stated he was irate." "He was trying to help protect his mom," the family's lawy...