“If you look at his record, he’s never tasted real defeat,” says Charles Perales, his trainer. “He could be up there with the elites.” Getting him there has been their goal together. After two years, Perales says he and his fighter are now “way more in tune with each other....
"I think it’s really important especially in underserved communities where there really isn’t no other outlets for teenagers to get their aggression out or maybe be part of some sort of community," said Wali Herawi, a volunteer and trainer whose 10-year-old son also works out at the...
Get a friend and train together. Slowly over time, you add more friends and soon you have a little boxing club. At some point, somebody knows somebody who used to be a boxer and now you have a trainer. The ex-boxer can get you up to shape and enter you somewhere. As you can see...