box_loss cls_loss dfl_loss Instances含义 loss for 作者丨苏剑林 单位丨广州火焰信息科技有限公司 研究方向丨NLP,神经网络 个人主页丨 前言 今天在 QQ 群里的讨论中看到了 Focal Loss,经搜索它是 Kaiming 大神团队在他们的论文Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection提出来的损失函数,利用它改善了图像物...
PyTorch训练模型中 box_loss、obj_loss、cls_loss为nan的原因及解决方法 1. 整体流程 在理解“为什么使用PyTorch训练模型的box_loss、obj_loss、cls_loss都为nan”之前,我们需要了解整个训练过程的流程。下面是PyTorch训练模型的一般流程: 准备数据:首先我们需要准备训练数据,包括输入数据和对应的标签。 定义模型:然后...
具体配置文件为 commentedMar 18, 2024 03/18 06:33:35 - mmengine - INFO - Epoch(train) [16][50/70] base_lr: 2.0000e-04 lr: 1.6535e-04 eta: 1:10:05 time: 0.9005 data_time: 0.0392 memory: 10765 grad_norm: 0.0206 loss: 0.0000 loss_cls: 0.0000 loss_bbox: 0.0000 loss_dfl: 0.000...
我用YOLOX训练自己的数据集的时候一直显示loss_cls: 0.0000, loss_bbox: 0.0000,然后测试的时候会有ERROR The testing results of the whole dataset is empty 请问可能是什么原因?
loss_cls=dict(type='CrossEntropyLoss', use_sigmoid=False, loss_weight=1.0), loss_bbox=dict(type='SmoothL1Loss', beta=1.0, loss_weight=1.0))), train_cfg=dict( rpn=dict( assigner=dict(type='MaxIoUAssigner', pos_iou_thr=0.7,
目标检测模型三大损失cls_loss box_loss model_loss 目标检测 sota,步骤:(1)训练的时候有3D点云和3D框,将3D框投影到图像上,获得2D框(前景点),然后使用GTSamples对点云进行数据增强,在3D点云场景中插入一些3Dobject,这些插入的3Dobject也要投影到图像上,但是不是
iter: 10 / 80000, total loss: 0.8165, rpn_loss_cls: 0.4789, rpn_loss_box: 0.3374, loss_cls: 0.0002, loss_box: 0.0000, lr: 0.001000 speed: 0.446s / iter iter: 20 / 80000, total loss: 0.3478, rpn_loss_cls: 0.2360, rpn_loss_box: 0.1119, los...
Hello Glenn et. al, For the box, obj, cls loss given in the output of the training and the results.txt/.png files is this the same as yolov3 losses? If this is the similar to yolov3 is it the same as the coordinate loss, objectness loss,...
As the image shows below, there are disorders on the Y-axis of val/box_loss, val/obj_loss and val/cls_loss. And matplotlib output the following warning: Using categorical units to plot a list of strings that are all parsable as floats or dates. If these strings should be plotted as ...