A single file container/archive that can be reconstructed even after total loss of file system structures - MarcoPon/SeqBox
To address this aspect, we provide a cheap, efficient and reproducible data analysis ecosystem based on NUC6I7KYK mini-PC (Fig. A –panel 4:SeqBox hardware), and on Docker platform. This solution, namely SeqBox, supports, via a friendly GUI, the analysis of RNAseq and ChIPseq data (Fi...
Author Correction: A single-cell and single-nucleus RNA-Seq toolbox for fresh and frozen human tumorsAn amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.doi:10.1038/s41591-020-0976-3Michal Slyper...
Small RNA-seq数据量那么少,又不需要重新比对定量,简简单单的做个差异分析、画个图(火山图、heatmap)、PCA、相关性计算、筛选下差异基因、预测下miRNA的靶基因,靶基因GO&KEGG注释,使用SBC ToolBox三下五除二,只要你手速快,结果就立马展现你的面前。 在上一期内容中,我们通过介绍「数据认知」、「模块登录」与「...
Clone theGitHub repo, e.g. withgit clone https://github.com/splicebox/psiclass.git Runmakein the repo directory You will find the executable files in the downloaded directory. If you want to run PsiCLASS without specifying the directory, you can either add the directory of PsiCLASS to the...
转录因子Forkhead box蛋白O1(FoxO1),又称forkhead横纹肌肉瘤(rhabdomyosarcoma)转录因子,属于Forkhead box O(FoxO)转录因子家族,处于肿瘤分子调控网络的中心。大量研究表明,FoxO1失衡与肿瘤发展、侵袭和转移的病理过程密切相关。然而,关于FoxO1在OC中的作用没有统一的结论。
Here, we have developed a systematic toolbox for profiling fresh and frozen clinical tumor samples using scRNA-Seq and snRNA-Seq, respectively. We analyzed 216,490 cells and nuclei from 40 samples across 23 specimens spanning eight tumor types of varying tissue and sample characteristics. We ...
Describes each command, including its purpose, parameter definitions, value range definitions and descriptions, and usage precautions.
1BOX Model Number UV407 Description Report Item Specifications: Material: High-quality resin Type: Glitter Sequnis Gel Nail Polish Design and Style: Sparkling Reflective New Colors Usage and Purpose: Nail Beauty Salon/ training or private using Performance and Property: Soak Off UV LED Varnish Part...
该研究使用DNA亲和纯化测序(DAP-seq)技术鉴定了葡萄中一个MADS-box转录因子的结合基序及其靶基因,揭示了VvMADS28参与葡萄胚珠和种子发育的调控机制,为培育无籽葡萄新品种奠定了理论基础。 MADS-box基因编码高等植物中的一大类转录因子,并在植物发育过程中发挥各种作用,包括花、果实和种子发育。MADS结构域蛋白通常以同...