ToPS - This is an objected-oriented framework that facilitates the integration of probabilistic models for sequences over a user defined alphabet. [Deprecated] Gesture Detection grt - The Gesture Recognition Toolkit (GRT) is a cross-platform, open-source, C++ machine learning library designed for ...
One such is your birthday and how much state provided education you receive and from how earlier a point in your life, as well as total days of education. Because extra education effects your lifetime socioeconomic ability, and that in turn effects you physical and mental health which in ...
J.W. Gallagher, with only a 7th grade education, was the smartest man in the country. When the Army gave him an intelligence test in the 1930s his result was so high the Army gave it to him again. J.W. scored perfect the second time. He went on to spend his military hitch learni...