containing an electric slide guitar, instructional book and audio cd of practice exercises that will have you playing cool slide guitar licks in minutes! no complicated chords or scales to learn – just slide up and down the strings for that authentic delta-blues sound. this kit also includes ...
Sign up and you'll get a collection of exclusive guitar courses with Nate Savage covering a wide range of essential topics.
1 Chords keys.Of more relevance to the guitar player are ‘chord families’, or the groupings of chords that go with the keys. This could be useful in knowing what chords actually sound good together. This easy-to-understand theory will help you to compose your own songs, obviously, but...
Complete Box Set – Master the major scale once and for all! This three part ‘JTC Original’ masterclass will teach you everything you need to know from the basics to advanced soloing. So you can create your own interesting and awesome guitar lines! The major scale is quite possibly THE ...
184 官方网站 访问 Guitarator Toolbox is a collection of tools for players of stringed instruments (especially guitars). * Look up how to play any chord in any tuning. * Look up how to play scales. * Perform a "reverse chord lookup." * Metronome. * Chromatic Tuner. * Learn music theo...
Beginner: This volume lays down the fundamentals of techniques and theory that are required to create those iconic rock-style solos such as pentatonic shapes and connecting them, effectively using double-stops, accurately bending notes and using vibrato to make your guitar sing! The licks and solo...
Guitar SightReader Toolbox - Incredible sight-reading software and gym for guitar and bass to make you a better player in less time
Step into the world of blues fusion. Then understand its inner workings. Then make it your own. A three part Masterclass series, made for rule breakers. home page
Add more explosive lines and expand your phrasing horizons as you step in and outside of scales, level up the shred and weave through the Mantovanelli maze of modes. Create tension, understand the importance of release points and gain the tools to smoothly shred across the neck within a blues...
Synthesis of patches (e.g. PolySix-like fat line bass, leads, guitar, percussion) suitable for 80s- and synth-inspired songs Extensive use of "Sparkle" algorithm on the second delay unit, to synthesize augmenting musical overtones to generate interest in the higher frequencies .SYX available in...