关于box-shadow CSS的介绍 简介 box-shadowCSS是一种用于向HTML元素添加阴影效果的CSS3属性。它能够改变元素的外观,使其看起来更加现实和立体。 语法 box-shadow: h-shadow v-shadow blur spread color inset; 参数释义: h-shadow: 水平阴影的位置。可以是正值,也可以是负值,用于确定阴影的位置。
5. Conclusions To sum up the current and previous results, we propose a model of the impact of YB-1 on PARP1 activity (Figure 12). At a relatively high YB-1/DNA (PARP1) concentration ratio, YB-1 and PARP1 form a ternary complex with DNA, and the efficiency of the complex ...