Jellyfish. Jellyfish? No, not those familiar blobs with a wimpy sting that, worst case, will bring on a bad itch and an offer from some smartass to take a leak on you. These are a different breed of blobs known by the scientific name Cubozoa but more commonly referred to as “box ...
jellyfish - a python library for doing approximate and phonetic matching of strings. editdistance - fast implementation of edit distance. textacy - higher-level NLP built on Spacy. stanford-corenlp-python - Python wrapper for Stanford CoreNLP [Deprecated] CLTK - The Classical Language Toolkit. ...
a spaceman boogeyman calledGiygas. Literally represented from the original Japanese as something likeGiguand referred in the unreleased text of the American translation ofMotherasGiegue, the character would seem to take his name froma Greek word meaning “giant.”Thought the original name seems...
Chris Hutty ofJellyfish Trainingis just one of the marketers we spoke with who recommended Jonah Berger’sContagious. “‘Contagious’ is an essential read for anybody interested in marketing, but particularly if you’re involved in social media or content marketing.” ...