In the city of Wiesbaden in western Germany, a disused power station sits on the bank of the Rhine. It might make for great housing, or could even be transformed into a cultural site—London's Tate Modern was repurposed from a power station—but local zoning laws prohibit thos...
In the design studio carried out with the third-year students (VI. semester) of Karadeniz Technical University (KTU) Department of Architecture in the 2017 and 2019 Spring semesters, the main problem focus was determined as Trabzon, which was chosen as the study area, and ...
1981 Bacheler of Engineering in Arch. Tokyo Institute of Technology 1983 Master of Engineering in Arch. Tokyo Institute of Technology 1983-2002 Worked for Nikken Sekkei 1989 Master of Arch. Yale University School of Architecture...
Architecture Office ••• Contact Share Whitebox Architects has 1 project published in our site, focused on:Residential architecture. Data based on built projects on our site. Updated daily. Stone House In Anavissos / Whitebox Architects ...
Completed in 2016 in Zoetermeer, The NetherlandsVilla Out of the box is situated on the edge of Zoetermeer, next to the Bentwoud Park. The design is a contemporary interpretation of the rural...
The ActiveRecord project makes it easy to get started building your application's architecture on top of a proven framework, NHibernate. Within a few minutes you can craft classes that use the active record pattern without having to master NHibernate's XML configuration syntax....
Despite that heteroaromatic, bicyclic derivatives 1j and 1k show a different structural architecture, with functionalization occurring in the 3’ and 2’ positions of the heteroaryl rings, similar mutations of residues I189, I330 provide variants I189A(V) and I330A, with superior conversions of ...
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