从预处理的数据矩阵(*.npy)计算 从这里运行 数据输出到excel 作图 测试代码: 构造分形曲面Takagi曲面 构造分形曲面 Weierstrass-Mandelbrot曲面 生成分形曲面矩阵 调用6种方...可视化算法线性拟合计盒法计算三维实体的分形维数保存数据到画图生成Mengersponge矩阵【在这里启动】 1 原理 将尺寸为ε的立方体覆盖在分形实体上,若覆盖到实体部分,则立方体数+1 ...
它基于传统的盒计数方法来找到图像的分形维数。 该代码仅供初学者了解如何进行计数。点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:9 积分 电信网络下载 基于人工智能模型U-net神经网络医学图像分割 2025-01-24 19:43:26 积分:1 PPT模板-通用模板-多场景应用-精品PPT通用模板:适用于演讲情感故事分享、商业提案教育培训、品牌...
# 需要导入模块: from amuse.datamodel import Particles [as 别名]# 或者: from amuse.datamodel.Particles importbox_counting_dimension[as 别名]deftest13(self):print"Testbox_counting_dimension"# Particles distributed uniformly in 3Dparticles = Particles(4096) particles.position = numpy.mgrid[0:16.0,...
The method applied was the well-established box-counting.#Known mathematical fractals from the literature were used to validate the software, which presented the expected values of fractal dimensions for such objects. In the experimental group, irradiated with gamma radiation, it was observed changes ...
"""returnself._box_coder# TODO(rathodv): This method pulls in all the implementation dependencies into# core. Therefore its best to have this factory method outside of core. 开发者ID:ahmetozlu,项目名称:vehicle_counting_tensorflow,代码行数:13,代码来源 ...
Python A Light CNN based Method for Hand Detection and Orientation Estimation pytorchssdobject-detectionmobilenetsingle-shot-multibox-detectorhand-detectionmobilenet-ssdorientation-estimationoxford-hand-dataset UpdatedMay 6, 2022 Python lars76/chinese-subtitle-ocr ...
A django queryset with a select_related(or prefetch_related) like method to fetch remote(e.g., api) data. Python 1 Updated Sep 16, 2019 zzhhss / drf-optional-fields A django-restframework extension to dynamically specify the returned field. Python 1 Updated Sep 16, 2019 jpush ...
yview_scroll (number, what)This method is used to make the listbox vertically scrollable by the number of characters specified. Tkinter ListBox Widget Example Below we have a basic example using this widget: from tkinter import * top = Tk() top.geometry("200x250") lbl = Label(top, text...
counting the number of machines in my AD create a automatic disable user account GPO when user account move to this disable user group Create a dynamically updated Security Group, based on membership of an OU or Container Create a GPO to set IE as the default browser in domain Create a sub...