Bowser Jr., sometimes simply known as "Jr." or "Junior," is one of the two secondary antagonists in the Super Mario franchise alongside Kamek. As his name indicates, he is the son of Bowser and serves as the prince of the Koopas, heir to the throne...
For the first part of the battle, he stays in place, blocking the way through and occasionally shooting fireballs, letting his son do most of the direct attack. However, once Bowser Jr. is defeated, Bowser flies into a rage and begins attacking in earnest. Additionally, Mario or Luigi ...
This section provides a summary of Bowser in New Super Mario Bros.. More information can be found on the article's Appearances/New Super Mario Bros. subpage. Bowser as seen in New Super Mario Bros.. Bowser ordered his son, Bowser Jr., to kidnap Princess Peach yet again. Bowser is bot...
Mario will take him in and teach him how to become the Worlds Greatest Plumber as he shuns his ecoterrorist namesake. Bowser will then send the previous failed results of these experiments (the koopa kids) and bowser jr will defeat them one by one. ...
Gameplay here trades in the turn-based battling of the main game in favour of a real-time strategy simulator which is much simpler than the main game’s combat, but surprisingly deep in places. Progression is handled on a level by level basis and sees Bowser Jr. leading eight other r...
in the series. The meticulous craftsmanship ensures that the figure is not only aesthetically pleasing but also durable, making it an ideal addition to any collector's display. **Versatile Display and Collectible Appeal** Whether you're a fan of the Wreck It Ralph Bowser or the Bowser Jr. ...
Bowser Jr?s Journey is a side game that comes with Bower?s Inside Story and can be played anytime. Players don?t need to finish the original game to have access to it. When starting the game, choose between either game and continue from the last save or start the game anew....
Two big Bowser & Bowser Jr. plushies sit on top of my desk, with Gunnar glasses on each in case I'm about to do some aggressive programming and need to switch the glasses out. I'm sure I'm known in the office as the "weird Bowser guy" or something, haha! Super Mario Run Bowser...
In 3D World in particular they’re about as gripping as a book written entirely in Lorem Ipsum. It’s-a Meme King Koopa’s role may be a mixed blessing in Bowser’s Fury, but Bowser Jr. is absolutely a net positive. Younger players can set him to help them by taking out enemies ...
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury: Playing together, for real this time Mario And Bowser Jr Bowsers Fury Hero (Image credit: Nintendo) Mario games have dabbled in multiplayer before. In fact, Super Mario 3D World probably has the best multiplayer a Mario game has seen, but the multip...