Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions What is Bowlby's theory of attachment? Bowlby's theory of attachment describes good emotional development as predicated by a secure relationship with a primary caregiver. This monotropic relationship is the basis of all of a person's relationships for the ...
While always remaining open to new avenues of research, John Bowlby was firmly insistent on the precise use of attachment terminology, and quite rightly too!doi:10.1080/14616730701711540Stevenson-HindeJoanRoutledgeAttachment & Human DevelopmentStevenson H.Attachment theory and John Bowlby: Some reflections...
The focus of this article is to demonstrate the relationship between research that evolved out of the development of the model of an organizational loss of effectiveness (LOE) and the comprehensive research of John Bowlby in his three volume work on attachment theory. It is our position that ...
Fifty years of attachment theory: Recollections of Donald Winnicott and John Bowlby (Donald Winnicott Memorial Lecture Series). Karnac Books.Bowlby, R., & King, P. (2004). Fifty years of attachment theory: Recollections of Donald Winnicott and John Bowlby . London: Karnac....
International Journal of Infectious Diseases Ijid Official Publication of the International Society for Infectious DiseasesCorovo, K., & deLara, E. (2010). Bowlby's ghost; political and moral reverberations of attachment theory. Attachment, New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis, ...
Sooner or later many Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients behave as if their deceased parents are still alive. This phenomenon is called parent fixation (PF) and is considered within the theoretical framework of Bowlby's Attachment theory. The hypothesis is that PF is an expression of their need...
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My own reflections include the influence of ethological thinking on the development of attachment theory, Bowlby's focus on observations followed by explanation, his appreciation of emotional communication as well as behavior, and his recognition of the role of the family as well as the child/...
Examines John Bowlby's theory of attachment and loss under the feminist point of view. Significance of a mother's role in the mental development of a child; Development of the attachment theory during the Great War; Consequences of Bowlby's work on feminist psychologists.Cleary...
Definition John Bowlby's Attachment Theory is an integrative model that relies on concepts from psychoanalytic theory, information processing theory, theories and research on emotion development, and ethology. It describes the central role of attachment to a reliable caregiver in the healthy psychological...