Boundary-Layer Meteorology《边界层气象学》 (官网投稿) 简介 期刊简称BOUND-LAY METEOROL 参考译名《边界层气象学》 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),外文期刊, IF影响因子 自引率10.30% 主要研究方向地球科学-METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES气象与大气科学 Boundary-Layer Meteorology...
an introduction to boundary layer meteorology 篇幅较长,请耐心阅读。 引言: 边界层气象学是气象学中一门重要的分支领域,研究大气中接触地球表面的那一层空气,称为边界层。边界层的特性对气象的各个方面都有着重要影响,如天气现象、能量交换和大气环流等。本文将详细介绍边界层气象学的基本概念、形成机制、结构...
BOUNDARY-LAYER METEOROLOGY影响因子稳中有增,其中2020-2021年度IF值为2.949,2021-2022年度IF值为3.471。 05 自引率 BOUNDARY-LAYER METEOROLOGY自引率近一年较大幅度降低,其中2020-2021年度自引率为21.4%,2021-2022年度自引率为10.3%。 06 年发文量 BOUNDARY-LAYER METEOROLOGY发文量数值变动不大,整体较稳定,其中近...
The atmospheric (or planetary) boundary layer refers to the layer of air near the ground that is affected by diurnal heat, moisture, and momentum... See full answer below.Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Start today. Try it now Create an account Ask a question Our experts ...
Recent advances in observing systems and models have led to a renewed interest inthe special problems of coastal meteorology. In the report the boundary layer aspects of the coastal regime are examined. The current state of understanding is assessed for homogeneous boundary layers, surface interactions...
网络释义 1. 边界层气象学 图书馆业务 ... Climate Dynamics 气象动力学Boundary-Layer Meteorology边界层气象学Atmospheric Research 大气研究 ...|基于12个网页 2. 边界层气象杂志 SCI类国际“边界层气象杂志”("Boundary-Layer Meteorology")的编委。确 ...
an introduction to boundary layer meteorology -回复 什么是边界层气象学? 边界层气象学是大气科学的一个分支,研究地球表面与底层大气之间相互作用的过程和现象。边界层是地球气候系统中非常重要的一部分,它直接与地表相接触,承载着大气中的能量、质量和动量传输。了解和研究边界层气象学对于深入理解气象现象,如风、...
语种:英语 审稿周期:约3个月左右 出版商:Springer Netherlands 2021年12月发布的2021版:不在预警名单中 收录数据库: Science Citation Index Expanded 期刊简介: Boundary-Layer Meteorology offers several publishing options: Research Letters, Research Articles, and Notes and Comments. The Research Letters section...
《边界层气象》(Boundary-layer Meteorology)是一本以地学-气象与大气科学综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Springer Netherlands出版商创刊于1970年,刊期Monthly。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦地学-气象与大气科学领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,致力于成为该领域同行进行快速学...
A Persistent Fog Event Involving Heavy Pollutants in Yancheng Area of Jiangsu Province Wilczak, "Diurnal evolution and annual variability of boundary-layer height and its correlation to other meteorological variables in California's Central Valley," Boundary-Layer Meteorology, vol. On the Potential of ...