Need of applying scattering boundary condition in comsolLogin
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In COMSOL Multiphysics, there are actually two possible implementations of a Dirichlet condition. The default case is thepointwise constraint, as referenced above, but you can also use aweak constraint. In the weak constraint, equations are added rather than removed. The heat fluxes needed to enfo...
comsolboundarygravity边界条件conditions重力 Solved with COMSOL Multiphysics 4.3b © 2 0 1 3 C O M S O L 1 | G R A V I T Y A N D B O U N D A R Y C O N D I T I O N S Gr a v i t y a nd Bounda r y C ondi t i ons Introduction The setup of fluid-flow mo...
condition for all boundaries of one of my 3D object that has 20 surfaces.My question is: is there a way in comsol to select all the boundaries of the same solid with only one mouse click to assign the same boundary condition or I must select every boundaries individually in boundaries...
;打开3D RF Module Electromagnetic WavesEigenfrequency analysis;打开Physics Properties;点击;打开PhysicsBoundary Settings ;打开PhysicsPeriodic Boundary Condition 选择Vector element constraint ;选择Destination ;选择Source Vertices ;选择Destination Vertices ;在执行收敛条件时用到的因变量psi也同样要设置成周期性边界条件...
这个模型描述了在3D电磁波应用模式中怎样定义周期性的边界条件,并使用了电场和磁场的矢量元素。打开3D>RFModule>ElectromagneticWaves>Eigenfrequencyanalysis打开Physics>Properties点击打开Physics>BoundarySettings打开Physics>PeriodicBoundaryCondition 选择Vectorelementconstraint...
Implementing Constraints in COMSOL Multiphysics® Let us now see how to implement constraints in COMSOL Multiphysics. We will consider the same soap film problem from the previous blog post, but with the following boundary conditions. The first boundary condition is something we could have specified...
of thin films (at oblique angle of incidence), each layer with different (real part of) refractive index, e.g. different k-vectors. Now the question is how i should define the k-vector to be used with a periodic FLOQUET boundary condition in COMSOL. I have come up with a few ideas:...