Parents of adult children living at home can sometimes feel as if they are being taken advantage of, or they may believe that their generosity is going unappreciated. Setting boundaries can be crucial for parents who wish to have a healthy and prosperous relationship with their grown-up kids li...
The phenomenon of adult children living at home and dependent on their parents has become a national problem. Indeed, more and more kids are living at home with their parents well into their 20s and beyond. And, most concerning, more and more of those kid...
I am at a loss. Wendy Our son is 20. We had him away at college for 2 yrs, we should have pulled him back after one! 2 yrs of college virtually down the drain and the $... now he's home at community college, thought it would be better, but today I noticed he didn't ...
Setting Boundaries with Your Adult Children.(Setting Boundaries with Your Adult Children: Six Steps to Hope and Healing for Struggling Parents)(Brief article)(Book review)Hoyer, Carol
Set boundaries for yourself:With telecommuting, teleworking, and the use of smartphones, the boundary between work and home has become increasingly blurred. Set a firm work “stop" time, close your computer, and take a break. Know who to reach out to:If you are having a problem with a ...
Not precious at all, and don't let anyone tell you you have to let them play in your bedroom to "make them feel at home". Nobody needs to play in someone else's bedroom to feel at home, in fact it's a good lesson for them to learn to respect other people's space the way th...
+ When your child hurts you in anger This content is for members only Read more + My Body Belongs to Me Body autonomy, boundaries, and consent Education at home and school combined is the best way of eradicating rape culture... Read more + Standing Your Ground with Your Parent Tabl...
You decide what boundaries are important and healthy for you. As your grief evolves, certain boundaries might change. The important thing is that they change only when you're at a different point and can stay healthy without that boundary. It is important that you don't change your boundary...
is very difficult to teach to children. We give them a room (their property) and then we tell them to keep their room clean. I think this is kind of crazy making. They know it. I think it much better to tell them that the room is ours and loaned to them until they leave home....
As an adult, you, fortunately, have more freedom and awareness to navigate boundaries with your parents. Either way, boundaries need to be established. Whether young, adolescent, or adult, children need to know that they have certain privacy from their parents, for example, a boundary around...