java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bound must be positive 是Java运行时异常的一种,表示向某个方法传递了一个非法的参数值。在这个具体的异常中,它指出某个方法的边界值(bound)必须是正数,但实际上传递的是非正数(包括0或负数)。 常见原因 方法调用时参数错误:在调用需要正数边界值的方法时,误传了0或负数。 变...
在Java中,IllegalArgumentException是一个运行时异常,通常表示向方法传递了一个不合法或不适当的参数。当你看到bound must be positive这样的错误信息时,意味着某个方法期望一个正数的边界值,但你提供的值不是正数。这个异常可能在很多场合下出现,例如在使用集合类(如ArrayList或HashSet)的subList或subSet方法时,或者在...
bound must be positive 只看楼主收藏回复 誓死支持双剑 初级粉丝 1 问题如题,不带猴子就一切正常了,麻烦大神修复一下。 送TA礼物 1楼2015-01-16 02:10回复 欲印弥彰 初级粉丝 1 不只是带猴子的问题,测试莉莉丝的时候,瓦尔基里英灵-15,背主之影-10*3,这个BUG就出了 2楼2015-01-16 02:27 收起...
解决方案 private static Random RANDOM = new Random(); private static Integer randomOnce(Integer max, Integer min) { if (max<=0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Random positive must be greater than 0"); return RANDOM.nextInt(max) % (max - min + 1) + min; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5....
// Error: // Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bound must be positive // at java.base/java.util.Random.nextInt( // at Member.receive( // at DemoRedPack.main( ...
java bundle和bind区别 java bound must be positive 文章目录 多态 代码示例 总结 引用变量的强制类型转换 基本类型、引用类型分别进行强制类型转换时注意事项 代码示例 向上转型和强制类型转换 `instanceof`运算符 多态 Java引用变量有两个类型 编译时类型
In this post, we will see how to fix IllegalArgumentException: Bound must be positive in java. You will generally get this exception while generating random numbers using Random.nextInt() method. If you pass bound as 0 or less than 0, then you will get the exception. Let’s understand ...
edited I am using zest fuzzing with the maven plugin. The fuzzing is directly prompting after the first iteration with this IllegalArgumentException: Fuzzing stopped due to guidance exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bound must be positive ...
21w19a:crash-2021-05-17_12.28.17-server-1.txt ava.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bound must be positive at java.base/java.util.Random.nextInt( at dah$a.a(SourceFile:42) at dah$a.a(SourceFile:30) at ctk.a(SourceFile:268) at cqw.a(SourceFile:36) at clv.a(Source...