布格罗(William-Adolphe Bouguereau,1825-1905) 油画《Nymphs and Satyr(1873)》仙女和萨提尔(Satyr)嬉戏萨提尔(Satyr)或称萨提洛斯(Satyrus)是希腊神话中半人半羊、居住在树林中的神,他们嗜酒、懒惰而又淫荡,在山林之中与仙女追逐歌舞。
Biblis是希腊神话中米利都的女儿,米利都父母的来源有多种不同的说法。 《宁芙与萨堤尔》(Nymphs and Satyr) 现藏美国麻省Clark Art Institute博物院。在希腊神话中,宁芙是小仙女的通称,萨堤尔是半人半兽的人物。 这幅作品描述宁芙们(小仙女们)在洗澡时,一个萨堤尔在偷看,他被发现了, 于是仙女们把他也拖...
最终在1905年8月19日去世。 1、Nymphs and Satyr 森林之神与仙女们1876年 阿道夫·威廉·布格罗 法国 260cm×180cm 布 油彩 威廉斯敦 斯特林和弗朗辛·克拉克艺术学院藏 这是一幅充满形式美感的作品。画家描绘了美丽的仙女们与森林之神在跳舞、嬉戏,塑造了充满诗意的神话人物形象及相互关系被刻划得维妙维肖。在森...
Nymphs and Satyr Ravissement de Psyche Rest in Harvest Study of a Girl's Head fo... Nymphaeum, 1878 L`Innocence The Young Seamstress Angels Playing Violon The Bathers The Story Book Seated Nude Cupidon The Broken Pitcher Sources on his full name are contradictory; some gi...
Nymphs and Satyr (Nymphes et Satyre) Four nymphs tease and play with a satyr by trying to pull him into a lake. One nymph waves behind to three other nymphs in the distance, perhaps beckoning them to come and play with the satyr as well. The satyr half heartedly tries to resist the ...
s growing elite.“Diamond Jim” Brady and William Randolph Hearst were just two of the marquee names to own his canvases. But one of the first to buy a Bouguereau was the New York City hardware store magnate John Wolfe, who purchased “Nymphs and Satyr” (1873) directly from the artist...
Bouguereau.A letter to the editor is presented in response to an article by Randall Anderson about William Bouguereau's painting "Nymphs and Satyr" in a previous issue.TLSWALKERJR.L.G.
At age 7, during a visit to the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, Mass., he was separated from his parents. While wandering in search of them, he came upon a huge painting, Nymphs and Satyr, by William Bouguereau. His parents found him a half-hour later, ...
布格罗是个十分多产的画家,在他漫长的艺术生涯中,留下了约800多张绘画作品,且题材范围极其广泛,从古典神话、宗教和世俗场面一直到人物肖像,《宁芙与萨提尔》Nymphs and Satyr(1873),《维纳斯的诞生》The Birth of Venus(1879),《春天的来临》Le Printemps (The Return of Spring)(1886),《年轻的牧羊女》The ...