最终迷宫试炼挑战 完成四英杰的十二个试炼之后,回到林克最开始苏醒的地方 Shrine of Resurrection,将西卡石板放进最里面的装置后,会开启最终的大迷宫挑战。 大迷宫开启之后,首先前往最中间,获取打迷宫的详细地图。 大迷宫一共包含四个需要开启的独立祠堂,这四个之间没有什么联系,先完成哪一个都可以。先把场地内能拿...
The Shrine of Resurrection on The Great Plateau. After taking a new weapon out for a spin, the One-Hit Obliterator, you are given four new locations you can choose to tackle in any order you wish. Each one has three trials and three Shrines associated with them, meaning you need to com...
而之所以强调这是“闪回片段”,是因为TheRogueRaider倾向于认为这是林克死亡之后的记忆闪回,而他死前看到的最后一幕就是守护者发射出的那道激光。 林克100年后在“复生神殿(Shrine of Resurrection)”中醒来这个设定大家都知道,这里TheRogueRaider强调了其中一个关键词:复生。不是冷冻、不是休眠,是复生。基于此,我们...
InBreath of the Wild, Link sustained severe injuries when Calamity Ganon turned the robotic Guardians against the people of Hyrule. Princess Zelda placed him in the Shrine of Resurrection in order to heal, where he slept for 100 years until he was ready to fight Ganon and his Malice once ag...
exploration above all else. While it excelled in this regard, it was no doubt at the cost of the traditional Zelda storytelling fans had come to expect. After all, the most interesting aspects of the plot had already happened – 100 years before Link woke up in the Shrine of Resurrection...
通过完成游戏中的神庙(Shrine)你会获得克服之证,每4个克服之证可以兑换一次血量或耐力上限。所以当你觉得敌人很强大的时候,记得去寻找神殿来提升你的实力。 取得攀登者头巾 耐寒特性并不是唯一的服装特性。如果你从初始之塔地区穿过双子山到达东边,可以去看看利达希神殿。在这个神殿中的一个箱子里放着攀登者头巾,它能...